
Mile posts: Marathon Trials Q&A with Samantha Wingert of Cedar Falls - Des Moines Register

Samantha Wingert says she's not the best athlete in her family. That honor goes to her husband, Brian, who was a former kicker at Northern Iowa and now is pretty much a scratch golfer.

She even readily admits she's not one of the best female distance runners in the world. But the former Cedar Falls High runner has been among the best runners in the Cedar Falls/Waterloo for the past five years and will gladly represent the Cedar Valley area at the U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials for the first time, in Atlanta next month.

Wingert capped a four-year journey in distance running by earning her qualifying sport with a time of 2 hours, 41 minutes, 48 seconds at Grandma's Marathon in 2018. She plans to have a large group cheering her on in Georgia on Feb. 29.

In a Q&A with me on Friday, just a day after she turned 33 years old, Samantha talks about why she nearly missed out on running cross country in high school, her one and only year of running at Northern Iowa and why the Runablaze Iowa athlete believes the hilly course won't be so daunting for her.  

LB: Hello Samantha. We've talked for only about five minutes at the IMT Des Moines Half Marathon.

SW: Yep. 

LB: So I don't know much about you. We have a lot of ground to cover. I know you went to Cedar Falls High and then attended Northern Iowa. So tell me all about that. 

SW: I was born and raised in Cedar Falls and went to the University of Northern Iowa. After high school, I wasn't sure if I wanted to pursue running competitively. I went out for cross country season on a whim. That was the only season I wasn't pretty involved in my schoolwork. I actually went to medical school for a short time. It was a life-work balance choice. It was a big commitment. I loved what I was learning. It was a perfect fit as far as that goes. But I decided there was other things I could pursue that allowed me to have the balance I wanted in my life. After graduation from Northern Iowa, I have worked for 10 years in the medical field as a medical device sales rep. 

I got married in 2010 to my husband, who was a Cedar Falls native and kicker for UNI. After I had my daughter (Erin) in 2013, I decided to actually train for something. I was still running, but wasn't running a ton. It wasn't intentional. My first road race was, geez, something after college. My daughter was not a good sleeper. It was my stress reliever for an hour. The spring of 2014 was when I started running seriously and I decided to train for a race. 

So I contacted Scott Gall, who is my current coach. Sarah (Gall) is a friend of mine. Her and I would once in a while run together. She got me into running for a bit. She was trying to get back into running. So I asked Scott if he would coach me. In 2014, he became my coach. I trained for Park to Park in 2014 for my goal race. I think I ran 1:20. Not bad for a year out from having my daughter. So I thought I might be OK at this. I ran my first marathon at 2015 at Grandma's. I believe I ran 2:49 for my first marathon. Shortly after that, I got pregnant with my son (Joseph).

LB: Hmmm. So when did you resume the marathon goal?

SW: I got started up with my training after he was born. This is a big influencer for getting in this. I never thought I would get into it (marathoning). I always thought I would raise money for cancer research or a benefit and run one. After my daughter was born in 2014, I noticed other women on social media with families and trying to balance motherhood and running, and I saw some of them trying to qualify for the trials in the marathon. That was something I never knew I could do. They were running similar times to me. "Oh, that is something I could do." I felt I could relate to them.

LB: I just talked to Andrea Toppin, who was a 1,500 runner, steeplechaser at Iowa State. She said the same thing. She thought she would never go to the marathon. 

SW: Yeah, right. 

LB: So do you travel a lot with your job?

SW: I am actually pretty lucky. I get to stay in the Waterloo/Cedar Falls area. We have enough business I am allowed to do that. I travel once in a while to a place like Marshalltown, but I stay mostly here. 

LB: And back to your husband. 

SW: He's a Cedar Falls native. We went to high school together. He was a really good placekicker. Brian Wingert. We dated in high school for a short time and rekindled when we were back in college.

LB: I remember that name from when I worked at the Register. He won a few games for the Panthers as I recall. So you have an interesting background. Tell me about some of the challenges you have running every day.

SW: For anyone who has a family, it's challenging because you can't run out the door whenever you want to. That is part of what makes it rewarding for me. Obviously, it's challenging for me. Working outside of the home as well. Work is busy, my husband owns his own (real estate) business too. Running is something I don't have to do. It's something I choose to do. They get to watch me work hard. Hopefully they will see some lessons. They're young, though. It takes hard work to reach a goal. There's different challenges, but there's different rewards I wouldn't get if I don't have a challenge. I think it's challenging for everyone. It gets me motivated to get out the door every day.

LB: Sure.

SW: It's my two hours every day. Makes me a better mom and better wife.

LB: Are your kids now going to races and doing fun runs?

SW: My daughter will run in the fun runs. She's done a couple races with me, which is really fun. I am super competitive when it comes to sports. I try not to push her into something she doesn't want to do. She has a done a couple and has enjoyed them for sure.

LB: Is it going to be a family trip to Atlanta?

SW: My whole family. My mom and dad will be going, my in-laws will be going. I have some friends who will be going. It should be fun.

LB: So there's no pressure on you to do well?

SW: The funny thing is that my parents and in-laws don't know what a good time is. They do and they don't. I think they know what I want to run for a time, but they will say you did so good no matter how I do. So I don't feel a ton of pressure either way.

LB: So how has the training been going?

SW: Training has been going very well. Knock on wood, I have felt healthy and have had several years of health. (The year) 2019 was lackluster as far as performance. I was the sickest I have ever been four or five weeks before Boston. I got some nasty rotavirus that just knocked me out. Then two weeks before the Chicago Marathon, I got some terrible virus. I had night sweats and fever. I didn't run.

But the training (for the Trials) has been the best ever by far. My workouts have been harder and longer and faster. I have really been laying down a good foundation, brick by brick by brick. I hope this culminates in a good race. I can't complain how this training has gone. Everything has been going well. The key has been to stay healthy.

LB: It's just great that you got sick before two major marathons.

SW: I know, I know. That's having kids too. They bring home sickness. We were traveling before Boston and I think I picked something up the day before we got home. I would like to think it wouldn't happen three times (races) in a row.

LB: Are you doing special workouts to gear up for the hilly course?

SW: We have been trying to incorporate hilly runs. There will be something faster that we will do. There's one area in town that I can go in town on gravel that will mimic the course the best. Get some hills in on easy days. But again, I am at the mercy of where I live too.

LB: So it's hard to find hills in Cedar Falls?

SW: There's hilly spots, but sometimes those spots are really icy. So it's being creative in your training. Scott and I have talked about doing a little over 13-mile race pace training. It went well, but to make it a little more challenging to put it on the treadmill. I am also not a world-class runner.

LB: Do you have a treadmill that you've been utilizing?

SW: I have one in the basement that I bought after my son was born. It is the best tool ever when he's napping. I can hop on that and get my workout in.

LB: So how much do you work?

SW: I work part-time, three days a week in medical sales. I am home Thursday and Fridays. It's a nice little balance with the kids.

LB: Did you see something big was going to happen before that race at Grandma's in 2018 when you ran your 2:41 PR?

SW: I think I ran a 2:49 for my first marathon, then a 2:48 or something. Twin Cities (in 2017) was one of my worst races I ever had. (She ran 2:52:17). I felt that even at that race, I felt I could have gotten the (Trials) qualifier at that race. I had been laying down the foundation. We knew I was prepared to run the qualifying time. I felt we could do 6:10s and maybe crank it up in the second half of the race. That race (Grandma's) everything came together. I walked for a minute at mile 16. I had a terrible sideache. A small hitch. I had been feeling for at least a year that it was on the horizon. I felt I could have hit it (Trials qualifier) that fall, in 2015. I was pregnant at the time. 

LB: And you were in your 20s at the time.

SW: Yes. We felt it was not out of reach from the beginning. We both felt it was something I could do. I didn't want to make it feel like a job. Scott doesn't overtrain me. It's about health in the long run, be healthy for your entire life. Running and training to us is how we approach it. We have taken a more modest approach to training. I won't be running 100-plus miles a week. It doesn't interest me.

LB: So what kind of mileage are you running?

SW: I would say I do somewhere between 70 to 85 to 90. For me, 90 would be a lot. This weekend I am supposed to do 85. That is definitely on the high side.

LB: I watched your video of when you crossed the line at Grandma's. You cruised through the finish line without celebrating. Did you know you had the Trials time in the bag?

SW: I knew I had the Trials time. I think I saw my husband and kids at Lemon Drop Hill. At that point I was on 2:41 pace. I knew exactly what I needed to get. I was trying to enjoy the whole thing. I felt comfortable the entire race. I didn't feel like I was on my deathbed. I was thankful for it. I wasn't overly emotional. I don't get emotional about it.

LB: Isn't it the best when you don't hit the wall?

SW: After I got that sideache, I didn't feel so good. I was thinking I hope this doesn't derail it. The other runners around me were so encouraging. I got past that hurdle. I got back to running with some of the guys around me. I thought, "When am I going to start slowing down?" I looked at my watch and I was running 6:02 pace. I kept expecting I was going to hit the wall. That is rare. I felt so good in that race. I think races like that are what keep you coming back.

LB: That's like my Chicago in 2018. I slowed down only just a little in the final couple miles.

SW: It's awesome when things come together.

LB: So you ran for Cedar Falls High?

SW: I ran all four years at state. We were runners-up in the 4x800. I didn't run cross country until I was a junior. My junior year at state cross country I was seventh and my senior year I was third (as Samantha Nygren). I was first-team all-state cross country both years.

I did some individual events too. They couldn't get me to run the 3,000. No way they were going to get me to run 7 1/2 laps around the track (laughing). My best for 800 is 2:18 maybe. It was fast, but not crazy-fast times.

LB: And Northern Iowa wanted you, did they offer you a scholarship?

SW: I got heavily recruited by a lot of colleges. I didn't know if I had the passion to pursue that in college. Coach (Kyle) Kepler really went after me. Coach (Chris) Bucknam was the coach at the time when I was a junior. They had been talking to me through my years of college. I didn't want to look back and regret that I didn't try. 

LB: What was it that you didn't like that you didn't return for your senior year?

SW: I wouldn't say it was something I didn't like. I was preparing for my MCAT in the summer. I was obviously focusing on that. I didn't have a big background in running at that time. About a week before practice I just decided to hop right in.

My schooling, I wanted to focus on that. A team has been together for a few years and then I come in and shake things up. They had a certain dynamic. They had a different dynamic. I might be taking up a place that you (another runner) might be scoring in. It was fun, it was a good season. But it was probably the right choice that I didn't keep going with it.

(Fellow Runablaze teammate) Tracy Kresser is a friend of mine. She was on the team. We still keep in touch. It was a fun time. I would have probably stuck with it if I had run all four years from the start.

LB: Anything memorable about that junior season?

SW: Nothing really sticks out. I don't even remember how we placed at regionals. It was a pretty quick season I think. And running with Coach Bucknam was great. He is a really funny guy.

LB: So Chris really put the full-court press on you. Did you walk on?

SW: I actually got a scholarship.

LB: It seems I see your results in half marathon races and longer. Do you enjoy the longer races more?

SW: I do enjoy the longer races, I do enjoy the work that you put in for the longer races. It'a a whole different kind of training. I'm also not super speedy. I will never be a low-16s for 5k. Maybe mid-16s. I think the longer distance fit me better. I just like the training required for it.

LB: So are you getting up and running with the roosters before the kids wake up?

SW: Yeah, right. It totally depends. My weeks and days are unpredictable in some ways. I literally just have to run when I have to run. Last night I ran after 8 o'clock. That's when I could fit it in. Saturdays I usually get up early and run so I can focus on my family. So literally when I can do it is when I do it. That's just how it is.

LB: I couldn't do that. I need a routine.

SW: Routine would be nice for sure. I would much prefer that.

LB: Well, that's impressive you are able to juggle that.

SW: Everyone's busy. Everyone has their own things they have in their life. You just have to make something a priority and figure out a way to get that done.

LB: It's a new trend that women who have a baby seem to get a boost in running. Have you seen that with you?

SW: Clearly my times have drastically improved. I don't know what the correlation is there. I know women peak a little later than men do. When I became a mom, I had a renewed focus with what I wanted to do.  I am definitely running faster. I don't know if I can attribute that to the medical end of it.

LB: When you are the starting line in Atlanta alongside 500 of the best female runners in the United States, what kind of feelings of pride will you have? 

SW: It will be kind of interesting running a race like that. I have always been thankful I can run seriously. I know others aren't able to run. I will have pride in doing that. I will be nervous in some ways, I am typically smiling, pretty relaxed. I am not one of the best runners in the world by any stretch. Just to be able to be there and have my family and friends supporting me will be awesome. I know back home people will be cheering for me. I am so grateful for that stage and I have obviously worked hard to get there. I am so appreciative of the support I have received along the way. I am happy that I am on that line.

LB: Sounds like the Cedar Falls/Waterloo area has been very supportive of you.

SW: The running community has been especially really great. They have been so sweet and supportive. I have to remind everyone I have no chance of qualifying for the Olympics. My nephew started learning Japanese in case he was going to the Olympics. I thought, "No, not going to happen." When I ran at Boston there was a watch party at The Runner's Flat. It doesn't make me any cooler or better than anybody else. I am so grateful for their support and all of the people I have met along the way.

LB: Have you looked past this marathon at other running goals?

SW: Maybe slightly. I'm not done with the marathon. I felt some fast times have eluded me in the past year. The course is hilly. I want to PR because I am definitely in fast shape. I would like to run a fast time in the future. I don't know if I will ever try to qualify for the Trials again. We will see. I'm just playing it by ear.

LB: Tell me something people might not know about you.

SW: I almost didn't run at all. I ran in junior high and I almost didn't run in high school. My first love is basketball. I've always been a multi-sport athlete all of my life. Running wasn't a sport I fell in love with. One of my dad's friends convinced me to run in high school. He told me, "You should go out." He had a track background.

LB: I should mention his name.

SW: Steve Brewer. He would probably laugh because he doesn't know he got in my head a little bit. My family convinced me to run too.

LB: It wasn't easy because like you said, you were into volleyball and basketball. 

SW: I pretty much played every sport growing up. Basketball was my first love and I still love it. I play golf. The cross country thing I started as a (high school) junior, maybe people don't know that about me. 

LB: So are you the best athlete in the family?

SW: My husband's just an insane athlete. He is a really good golfer. He shot a 67 right before Christmas. We went bowling. He said he wanted to bowl over 200. He bowled like a 258. Who does that? He's just an awesome athlete. He was a great basketball player as well. I have to take up golf again just to keep up with him. That's just him.

LB: So your kids could have a bright future in sports?

SW: I would hope they would get that competitive or athletic gene. 

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